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Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a Fiduciary? What does that mean?

Yes, we are.  And we wouldn't have it any other way.  

  "Fiduciary" simply means that we have an ethical obligation to always act in your best interests and to always place your best interests before our own. Fiduciary also means that we must provide financial advice that is sound, accurate, and free from conflicts of interest. Furthermore, fiduciaries are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest to you and must strive to transact on your behalf in a manner that is as efficient and as low-cost as possible.

Why should I hire you instead of doing this myself?

Why hire any professional? You look for expertise and guidance from a fully certified professional with the financial objectivity and experience to navigate the market while keeping your goals top of mind.  Beginning with our initial meeting, we work closely with you to understand your hopes, dreams, and goals. We truly believe you are best served by working with a trusted and qualified planner -- someone who can see blind spots you may not have considered. We want to help you make the right decisions today to provide for a better tomorrow.

Who is a typical client?

Our typical client profile: You're smart with your money, a good saver, and looking to balance living a good life today with keeping one eye on tomorrow and your future.  You have at least $500,000 to invest and, rather than trying to do this all by yourself, you'd prefer to use your time actually living and enjoying the present. You're OK with delegating the detailed financial work to an expert who can help lead the way to achieve those financial goals. 

Do I pay for the first meeting?

No. The first meeting is complimentary and is intended to be a working session where we begin to understand your goals and finances. Plan to bring all your financial questions with you.

How do you get paid?

As fiduciaries (see above), we are prohibited from selling any products or accepting any commissions. Our compensation is based solely on an annual advisory fee calculated as a percentage of the portfolio on which we are providing advice. 

What are Prosperity Planning Sessions?

Prosperity Planning Sessions are intended to be twice-yearly progress check-ups for your financial status. We use these meetings to address the status of progress toward your future goals and to develop any changes/adjustments that may be necessary to keep everything on track. The two sessions are summarized as follows: 

Spring Prosperity Planning Session    

  • Annual risk assessment 

  • Review and rebalance investment accounts   

  • Update retirement and college savings plans

  • 401k and IRA contribution check in 

  • Annual insurance needs discussion, including long term care

Fall Prosperity Planning Session   

  • Revisit yearly goals and objectives    

  • Review investment account performance    

  • Evaluate tax  strategies, ( tax loss harvesting/ Roth conversions)  

  • Distribution check in, including RMD and gifting    

  • Review Estate Plan

What is the Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) designation?

The Certified Financial Planner (CFP)® designation is recognized for its (1) high standard of professional education; (2) stringent code of conduct and standards of practice; and (3) ethical requirements that govern professional engagements with clients. Only those who have fulfilled the certification requirements of the CFP® Board can display the CFP® certification marks, which represent the pinnacle of competency, ethics and professionalism.

What types of services do you provide?

We offer two types of services:  

  • Comprehensive Financial Planning to create a plan to help you achieve your financial goals, with the actual management of your investments left up to you  

  • Or, along with the development of a comprehensive financial plan, we offer Investment Management services to help turn your plan into reality

  • A La Carte – for those who are managing their own investments and planning, we meet with you to listen to your questions and point out possible solutions 

Learn More

How often will we meet?

If we are managing your investment portfolio, we would like to see you twice per year, with any additional meetings scheduled at your discretion. We are available to meet in person at our offices in Long Beach, California, or virtually, depending on your preference. We also travel regularly to North Texas to hold meetings there. 

If we are developing a comprehensive financial plan for you, and you have elected to manage your own investments, we will meet with you twice before the delivery of your plan.  

  • The first meeting is to get to know you and understand your goals and needs, to help provide us with the information we need to put the plan together 

  • The second meeting is to take a more in-depth look at your current financial situation and make sure we are aligned with your short and long-term wants and needs 

At the third meeting, the plan presentation, we will walk through your plan, answer any questions, and determine any next steps you may need to take.

What are the fees?

Investment Management Fees

$0 – $250,000* 2.00%
$250,000 - $500,0001.25%
$500,000 – $1 Million 1.00%
$1 Million - $2 Million 0.75%
$2 Million + 0.50%

*Prosperity Wealth Planning generally requires a household minimum of $500,000 for any of our services. In some instances, this minimum is negotiable.

For anyone in need of a financial plan only (I.e., no active management of investments/portfolio), the creation and development of a Comprehensive Financial Plan is offered for a flat fee starting at $3,500, depending on the complexity of the plan. (Note that this financial planning fee is waived if we are managing your investment assets.) 

What types of technology does your firm use?

Technology is certainly a big part of what we do. We use state-of-the-art tools to help make the complicated simple by providing you with easy-to-use interfaces, portfolio modeling, and access to real-time account information.  

Is it still possible for me to work with you even if I don't live in Southern California?

Absolutely.  Today's technology allows us to be everywhere we need to be – either virtually or in person. For virtual meetings, all that is needed is a web browser and an Internet connection. If you happen to live in the Southern California area and are interested in meeting in person at our offices in Irvine and Long Beach, we would be happy to accommodate you there. We make frequent trips to visit with our clients In North Texas at our office in Frisco.

3349 Michelson Dr. Suite 200-8E
Irvine, CA 92612 

3780 Kilroy Airport Way, Suite 200
Long Beach, CA 90806

2591 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300
Frisco, TX 75034 

Whether you're ready to get started or simply looking to learn more about us, schedule a meeting with the link below.

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