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Our Ideal Client

At Prosperity Wealth Planning, our ideal client is a current retiree or working professional who is excited about or planning for their retirement. Retirement is viewed as an opportunity to enjoy the “fruits of your labor” and a continuation of life’s journey in the pursuit of what brings you a sense of value and accomplishment.

Our clients are committed to their financial future and want to work as a team with our planning professionals to help achieve these goals. We primarily work with clients with $500,000 or more in investable assets, who are looking for ongoing planning and support. Through our bi-annual Prosperity Planning Sessions, we help you navigate the process of making important financial decisions, including your:

  • Future Goals and Aspirations
  • Investment Choices
  • Tax Efficient Strategies
  • Estate and Your Legacy
  • Insurance Needs Analysis 

We bring over thirty years of experience along with the designation of Certified Financial Planner®. We are fiduciaries, which means we do not sell commissioned products, and are legally bound to put the interests of our clients first. We are trustworthy, honest, and are driven by our core values of Simplicity, Transparency, and Progress.